Knock-knock. Who's there? The Future. The Future who? The Future we're going to create together.
Constructed imaginaries, cool costumes, and colorful future experiences.
This is our Fictionary
Sign up for an online workshop with the Future Fishing Training Program
Experiences devised to immerse in constructed futures.
Fictional white papers, future science, not-yet-applicable theories… This is when fiction gets closer to science.
Playful experiences designed to let others build and test futures.
Not hoaxes, yet still slightly deceptive. Futures disguised as facts can stir up a crowd and reveal unique perspectives.
From now to then, or from plausible to utopian, different time scales suit different ways to imagine the future.
A set of cards designed around role-play and accidents in collective futuring sessions.
Preferable futures to some can become harsh realities to others. So we pursue nuance and invite criticism.
When imagining the manufactured environment of a world, one has to imagine its interplay with culture and myths.
Design Fictions, Speculative Design, Critical Design, Anticipatory Design…However you call it, making futures seem like they're already here is the cornerstone of our practice.